Harrington Robley Law

LIEUT..-CDR. H. R. LAW J.J.M.V. writes:- Harrington Robley (Tony) Law was the elder surviving son of the Right Honourable Andrew Bonar Law and a brother of Lord Coleraine, the two older brothers being killed in the First World War. He was educated at Shrewsbury School (1913-17) and Trinity College Cambridge, and when the war ended, he was a cadet in the Royal Tanks Corps. Rowing was his hobby in his youth but this gave way to flying, to which he was devoted. He was a man of great personality, charm and kindness, and in all the years since our schooldays I never heard him say an unkind word to anyone. A born individualist he once told me he was shortly going to fly single-engined to India, “I am going to have tea with my sister Isabel [Lady Sykes, wife of the then Governor of Bombay, Major-General Sir Frederick Sykes]. During the war of 1939-45, though over 40, he became a senior blind-flying instructor in the Fleet Air Arm, and I am sure he revelled in that rather tricky employment. In spite of repeated illness over the last years, he maintained the same remarkable courage, cheerfulness, and sense of fun and humour in the face of some disablement. Tony was a unique loveable character who will be sorely missed by his family and friends.

The Times/June 4, 1958